Tuesday, January 25, 2005

the last time we met

I have changed, you know.
My hair is longer and greyer
My waistline has more inches
I don't wear the same lip colour,
my make-up is more elaborate
to hide the years on my skin. Not that
I'm ashamed of the wrinkles. Just that
I don't want others to count the years that
I have been.

My clothes are different, more room
to allow misplaced elegance.

If we meet again, you may not recognise me
and I may not remember you.
For now, thanks for dropping by.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


You are silent again.
Sometimes I wished you would leave me.
But if you do that I would miss you,
more. Your silence scares me.
It is, as if, you have disappeared.
This fear, this longing, this terrible in-between
and over the edge of the rollercoster ride;
these feelings I have for you, let's stop here.
Then I am sure
that you have completely disappear.
You will be gone. Like the rest.
Six months, then we'll see.
Today you are silent again.


Bila satu perhubungan itu tidak seimbang,
bila satu pihak mempunyai definisi yang berlainan
dan kedua-duanya tidak mempunyai satu rujukan yang sama
maka perhubungan itu
jadi pincang dan tidak ikhlas.
Tapi dia bukan Na+ yang tidak stabil dan tercari O2-
Dia Aurum.
Hanya raksa yang dapat melunturkannya.